What is it: Supralabial Groove

What is Supralabial Sulcus?

The supralabial sulcus is an anatomical feature present in the upper region of the lips, specifically in the area of the upper lip. It is a small depression or fold that forms in the skin of the lips, creating a separation between the upper lip and the nose.

Anatomy of the Supralabial Sulcus

The supralabial groove is formed by the action of the facial muscles and the underlying bony structure. It begins at the base of the nose, where it meets the lower part of the nasal septum, and extends to the edge of the upper lip. This depression is most pronounced in the center of the upper lip and becomes less deep toward the ends.

The orbicularis oris muscles are primarily responsible for the formation of the supralabial groove. These muscles surround the mouth and are responsible for lip movements, such as closing and smiling. When these muscles contract, they pull the upper lip upward, creating the characteristic fold of the supralabial groove.

Functions of the Supralabial Sulcus

The supralabial groove plays several important roles in speech, eating, and facial expression. It helps to define the area of the mouth and separate the lips from the nose, allowing air to pass through during speech and breathing. In addition, the supralabial groove also plays a role in the articulation of speech sounds, especially labial sounds such as “p” and “b.”

During feeding, the supralabial groove helps to hold liquid and solid foods between the lips, preventing them from slipping out of the mouth. It also plays a role in sucking during breastfeeding in babies, helping to create an efficient seal between the lip and the nipple.

In terms of facial expression, the supralabial groove contributes to the formation of different expressions, such as a smile. When the orbicularis oris muscles contract, they pull the upper lip upwards, creating a characteristic curve in the lips and forming a smile.

Changes in the Supralabial Sulcus

Some conditions can affect the supralabial fold, changing its shape or depth. For example, aging can lead to the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, including the supralabial fold. As the skin loses elasticity, the wrinkles may become more pronounced, resulting in a deeper supralabial fold.

Additionally, certain habits, such as smoking or frequent lip pursing, can contribute to the development of wrinkles and folds around the mouth, including the supralabial fold. These changes can be treated with cosmetic procedures, such as hyaluronic acid fillers, which help to smooth out wrinkles and restore the area's youthful appearance.

Importance of the Supralabial Groove in Facial Aesthetics

The supralabial groove plays an important role in facial aesthetics, especially in the lip region. A well-defined and proportionate supralabial groove can contribute to a youthful and attractive appearance, while a deep or absent supralabial groove can negatively affect facial harmony.

For this reason, many people turn to cosmetic procedures to improve the appearance of the supralabial fold. Hyaluronic acid fillers are a popular option, as they help to smooth out wrinkles and restore lost volume in the lip area. This procedure can provide natural and long-lasting results, improving the overall appearance of the face.

Supralabial Groove Care

To maintain the health and appearance of your supralabial fold, it is important to take some daily care. Moisturizing your lips regularly with a lip balm can help prevent dry skin and the formation of wrinkles. Additionally, avoiding harmful habits, such as smoking, can help maintain healthy, youthful skin around your mouth.

It is also recommended to protect your lips from sun damage by applying a lip balm with a sun protection factor. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can accelerate skin aging and contribute to the appearance of wrinkles and furrows around the mouth.


The supralabial sulcus is an anatomical feature present in the upper region of the lips. It plays important roles in speech, eating and facial expression. Changes in the supralabial sulcus can occur due to aging or certain harmful habits. Cosmetic procedures, such as hyaluronic acid fillers, can be performed to improve the appearance of the supralabial sulcus. Daily care, such as hydration and sun protection, are also essential to maintain the health and appearance of this region.



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