What is it: Subdermal Implant

What is a Subdermal Implant?

A subdermal implant is a long-acting contraceptive method that consists of a small, stick-shaped device, usually made of flexible plastic, that is inserted under the skin of a woman's arm. Also known as hormonal implants or contraceptive implants, this method continuously releases a low dose of synthetic hormones into the body, preventing pregnancy for a period of up to three years.

How does the Subdermal Implant work?

The subdermal implant works by releasing synthetic hormones, usually progestin, into the woman's body. These hormones have the function of inhibiting ovulation, making the uterine environment less favorable for the implantation of a fertilized egg and making it difficult for sperm to pass through the cervix. In addition, progestin also causes changes in cervical mucus, making it thicker and making it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus.

How is the Subdermal Implant inserted?

Inserting the subdermal implant is a simple procedure that can be performed in the doctor's office. Before insertion, a medical assessment is carried out to check whether the woman is eligible to use this contraceptive method. Local anesthesia is then applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure. The implant is then inserted under the skin of the arm, in a region close to the muscle, using a special needle. After insertion, a dressing is applied to the site.

What are the benefits of the Subdermal Implant?

The subdermal implant offers several benefits for women who choose this contraceptive method. In addition to being highly effective in preventing pregnancy, with a failure rate of less than 1%, the implant also offers a number of advantages over other contraceptive methods. It does not require daily action like the birth control pill, and may be a suitable option for women who have difficulty remembering to take the pill every day. Furthermore, the implant does not interfere with sexual intercourse and can be used by women who are breastfeeding.

What are the side effects of the Subdermal Implant?

As with any hormonal contraceptive method, the subdermal implant can cause some side effects. The most common include changes in menstrual patterns, such as irregular bleeding, no or heavier periods, headaches, mood changes, acne and breast tenderness. However, these side effects are often mild and temporary, and tend to lessen over time. If side effects are persistent or cause significant discomfort, it is important to consult a doctor.

What are the contraindications for the Subdermal Implant?

The subdermal implant is not suitable for all women. There are some contraindications that must be considered before opting for this contraceptive method. Women who have a history of deep vein thrombosis, severe liver disease, breast cancer, unexplained vaginal bleeding, allergies to any component of the implant or who are pregnant should not use this method. Furthermore, it is important to highlight that the implant does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, making it necessary to use a condom together.

How is the Subdermal Implant removed?

Subdermal implant removal is a simple procedure that can be performed in the doctor's office. Before removal, a medical assessment is carried out to check whether the woman wishes to continue using this contraceptive method or whether she prefers to opt for another. Removal is done through a small incision in the skin, close to the implant, using special forceps. After removal, a bandage is applied to the area.

What are the advantages of the Subdermal Implant over other contraceptive methods?

The subdermal implant has some advantages over other contraceptive methods. In addition to being highly effective in preventing pregnancy, it does not require daily action like the contraceptive pill, and may be a suitable option for women who have difficulty remembering to take the pill every day. Furthermore, the implant does not interfere with sexual intercourse and can be used by women who are breastfeeding. Another advantage is its long duration, which avoids the need to remember to change or renew the method frequently.

How to choose the Subdermal Implant as a contraceptive method?

The choice of the subdermal implant as a contraceptive method must be made in conjunction with a specialist doctor. It is important to evaluate the woman's medical history, including possible contraindications, and discuss the benefits and possible side effects of this method. The doctor can also provide information about other contraceptive methods available, so that the woman can make an informed decision suited to her needs and preferences.

What are the alternatives to Subdermal Implants?

There are several alternatives to the subdermal implant as a contraceptive method. Some examples include the birth control pill, contraceptive patch, vaginal ring, hormonal IUD, and contraceptive injection. Each method has its own characteristics and benefits, and the choice must be made taking into account the woman's individual needs. It is important to consult a doctor for detailed information about each method and make an informed decision.

Final considerations

The subdermal implant is an effective and long-lasting contraceptive method that offers a series of benefits for women. However, it is important to remember that each woman is unique and what works for one may not work for another. The choice of contraceptive method must be made together with a specialist doctor, taking into account the woman's medical history, individual needs and preferences. The subdermal implant can be a suitable option for women who want a long-lasting contraceptive method, with high efficacy and ease of use.



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