What is it: Dermal Papilla

What is Dermal Papilla?

The dermal papilla is a structure located in the deepest layer of the skin, known as the dermis. It plays a fundamental role in the nutrition and oxygenation of hair follicles, being responsible for the healthy growth and development of hair.

Structure of the Dermal Papilla

The dermal papilla is made up of a complex network of blood vessels, which supply nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. In addition, it also contains specialized cells, such as fibroblasts and melanocytes, which play important roles in the production of collagen and melanin, respectively.

Functions of the Dermal Papilla

The dermal papilla has several essential functions for hair growth and health. Among the main ones, the following stand out:

Hair Growth Stimulation

The dermal papilla is responsible for stimulating hair growth through the release of growth factors and nutrients to the hair follicles. These factors promote the proliferation of hair cells and stimulate the production of keratin, a fundamental protein for hair formation.

Collagen Production

Collagen is an essential protein for skin and hair health. The dermal papilla contains fibroblasts, cells responsible for collagen production. This protein provides resistance and elasticity to the hair, preventing hair breakage and weakening.

Melanin Production

Melanin is the pigment responsible for hair color. The melanocytes present in the dermal papilla are responsible for producing this pigment. The amount and distribution of melanin in hair follicles determine the color and tone of the hair.

Regulation of Blood Circulation

The dermal papilla has a network of blood vessels that ensure adequate blood circulation in the hair follicles. This circulation is essential to provide nutrients and oxygen necessary for hair growth and development.

Importance of Dermal Papilla for Hair Health

The dermal papilla plays a fundamental role in hair health. When this structure is healthy and functioning properly, hair tends to grow faster and healthier, in addition to being more resistant to breakage and weakening.

Problems Related to Dermal Papilla

Some problems can affect the health and functioning of the dermal papilla, compromising hair growth and health. Among the main problems related to this structure, the following stand out:


Alopecia is a condition characterized by excessive hair loss. In many cases, the cause of alopecia is related to changes in the dermal papilla, which can lead to a decrease in the production of growth factors and essential nutrients for hair follicles.


With aging, the dermal papilla can undergo structural and functional changes, which can lead to weakening and reduced hair growth. Furthermore, collagen and melanin production can also be affected, resulting in more fragile and colorless hair.

Scalp Diseases

Some scalp diseases, such as seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis, can affect the health of the dermal papilla. These conditions can cause inflammation and changes in blood circulation, compromising the supply of nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles.

Treatments to Stimulate the Dermal Papilla

There are several treatments available to stimulate the dermal papilla and promote hair growth and health. Among the main ones, the following stand out:

Topical Medications

Some topical medications, such as minoxidil, can be used to stimulate the dermal papilla and promote hair growth. These medications work by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow to hair follicles, providing essential nutrients and oxygen for hair growth.

Laser Therapies

Laser therapies can also be used to stimulate the dermal papilla. The light emitted by lasers penetrates the skin and stimulates cellular activity, promoting hair growth and health.

Nutritional Supplementation

Nutritional supplementation can be an option to stimulate the dermal papilla and provide the nutrients necessary for hair growth. Some supplements, such as vitamins and minerals, can help strengthen hair and improve dermal papilla health.


The dermal papilla plays a fundamental role in hair growth and health. It is important to take care of this structure and take measures to stimulate it, thus ensuring stronger, healthier and more beautiful hair.



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