What is it: Acne

What is Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. Also known as pimples, blackheads or pustules, acne occurs when the hair follicles in the skin become clogged with sebum and dead skin cells. This obstruction leads to the appearance of inflamed and non-inflamed lesions on the skin, such as pimples, blackheads and cysts.

Causes of Acne

Acne is caused by a combination of factors, including increased sebum production, blocked hair follicles, the presence of bacteria on the skin, and inflammation. Excessive sebum production is influenced by hormones, such as androgens, which stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Clogging of hair follicles occurs when dead skin cells are not eliminated properly and accumulate in the pores.

Types of Acne

Acne can be classified into different types, depending on the characteristics of the lesions present on the skin. The most common types of acne include:

Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne and is characterized by inflamed and non-inflamed pimples, blackheads and pustules. These injuries can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the face, chest, back and shoulders. Acne vulgaris usually appears during adolescence, due to hormonal changes that occur at this stage of life.

Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is a more serious form of acne, characterized by deep, painful inflamed lesions that can leave permanent scars on the skin. These injuries are caused by the rupture of hair follicles, leading to inflammation and cyst formation. Cystic acne can affect any part of the body, but it is most common on the face, chest and back.

Acne Cosmetics

Cosmetic acne is caused by the use of cosmetic products that clog the skin's pores. These products can include makeup, moisturizers, sunscreens, and hair products. Cosmetic acne often manifests as small pimples or blackheads in the area where the product was applied.

Acne Treatments

Acne treatment can vary depending on the severity of the condition and each person's individual characteristics. Some of the most common acne treatments include:

Topical Medications

Topical medications are applied directly to the skin and may include creams, gels, or lotions containing active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinoids. These medications help reduce sebum production, unclog pores, and fight inflammation.

Oral Medications

In more severe cases of acne, oral medications such as antibiotics, isotretinoin, or hormonal contraceptives may be prescribed. These medications work to control sebum production, reduce inflammation and eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

Dermatological Procedures

Some dermatological procedures may be recommended for treating acne, especially in cases of cystic acne or acne scars. These procedures may include laser therapy, dermabrasion, chemical peels, or cyst drainage.

Skin care

In addition to medical treatments, proper skin care is essential for controlling acne. This includes daily cleansing of the skin with gentle products, avoiding excessive use of cosmetics, protecting the skin from the sun's rays and avoiding squeezing or picking at acne lesions.

Acne Prevention

Although acne cannot be completely prevented, some measures can help reduce the risk of developing the condition. This includes maintaining good skin hygiene, avoiding excessive use of cosmetic products, avoiding prolonged contact with dirty or oily objects, avoiding excessive stress and adopting a balanced and healthy diet.

Final considerations

Acne is a common skin condition that can affect people's self-esteem and quality of life. It is important to see a dermatologist to obtain a proper diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan. With proper care and correct treatment, it is possible to control acne and improve the appearance of your skin.



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